Aggregate demand curve Aggregate supply - Elasticity of aggregate supply Equilibrium of aggregate demand and supply Consumption and savings - Consumption and savings function - Trends in the saving ratios - Consumer confidence - Wealth and consumer demand - Friedman's permanent income hypothesis Investment - Gross and net investment - Why do firms invest? - UK Investment In An International Context - The Marginal Efficiency Of Investment - The Keynesian Theory Of Investment - The accelerator - Recent Trends In The Growth Of Consumption And Investment Spending - Capital base - Direct investment into the UK - Inward Investment And The Regional Economic Problem Government spending - Government borrowing - National debt Exports and Imports Objectives of government macroeconomic policy Inflation and its measures and links - The main causes of inflation - Inflationary gaps - Costs and effect of inflation - Unit labour costs and inflation - Monetary inflation - Policies to control inflation - Inflation targets - Deflation - Inflation figures (Excel spreadsheet) Unemployment - Measuring unemployment - Economic costs of unemployment - The main causes of unemployment - Policies to reduce unemployment - Changing patterns of unemployment - Full employment - Natural rate of unemployment - The NAIRU - Job vacancies - Long term unemployment - New Deal Economic growth and measurement and links - Benefits and costs of growth - The economic cycle - Theories of growth - Economic resources and long run growth - Government policies - Growth and jobs - USA a model to follow - The structure of output in an economy Balance of payments - The current account - The UK's current account - The capital account - The balance of payments must balance - Can a country safely ignore a persistent current account deficit? Conflicts Between Macro Economic Objectives Demand management or supply side? International exchange. Types of trading blocs Examples of trading blocs Types of trade protectionism. Reasons for trade protectionism Trade creation and trade diversion Sources of possible conflict between trading blocs International competitiveness. The UK’s changing international competitive situation. Balance of payments Remedies for a balance of payments disequilibrium. Exchange rate systems. What Determines The Value Of An Exchange Rate? European Monetary Union.