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Welcome to Revision Guru - the home of Economics and Business Studies revision.  I hope this site helps you with your revision, homework, research and background reading.  Throughout the revision notes you will find hundreds of links to related stories and websites.  If you have any comments, ideas or thoughts please e-mail me at steve@revisionguru.co.uk.
Take a break
I'm sent some very bizarre e-mails - some funny, some worrying - have a look at these and forget about the exams!  Contributions are welcome!
Careers advice
You've only just finished your exams and now you've got to start thinking about what lies ahead.  These pages should help with everything from UCAS applications to gap years.
Recommended Reading
Which textbook should you buy?  Do you want another revision guide?  Books of general interest.  Click here to see the books recommended by revision guru - you can buy them on-line from amazon.co.uk.
Revision Notes
Economics and Business Studies revision notes for all exam boards are now here!  Either select your exam board or choose the textbook option for a complete list of revision topics.
Message Boards
Got a question? Want to get something off your chest? Do you have some advice for others? This is the place for you.
Edexcel Economics Multiple Choice
An absolute must if preparing for this exam.  Test yourself with these past questions and a variety of others that will leave you ready to tackle the supported choice paper.
Web www.revisionguru.co.uk


What has the Guru been working on?!
 - An on-line GCSE course
 - The Euro debate
Find school supplies at Edusentials.
E-mail Steve Margetts