The balance
of payments is a record of all the financial dealings of the UK with the rest
of the world. It can be split
into two components:
The current account
The capital account
Our trading performance with other countries has
a big effect on prospects for the British economy. Over recent years we have
tended to import more goods and services than we have exported. This is shown
in the chart below which tracks the quarterly value of exports and imports
since the mid 1980s.

Balance of Payments (plus Exchange rates). A PowerPoint presentation
Balance of Payments (plus Exchange rates). A Review
Balance of Payments (plus Exchange rates). Key Facts
Balance of Payments (plus Exchange rates). Glossary of Terms
Balance of Payments (plus Exchange rates) Multiple Choice questions
Balance of Payments (plus Exchange rates). Questions
Balance of Payments (plus Exchange rates). Internet Data Questions
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for OECD countries
Percentage changes in volume from previous period, seasonally adjusted, at quarterly rates.
Annual comparison of levels of GDP per capita based on both exchange rates and on purchasing power parities.
Up to date information from the OECD
The Role of the Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD)
How ECGD help British exporters
ECGD’s Products and Services
Fairly detailed information about their products and services. Useful if you require specific information.