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VGCSE Business Studies

I am presently working with The Chalkface Project producing an on-line Vocational GCSE course which will be available in September.  It will contain a full set of notes (like a traditional textbook), loads of interactive exercises and guidance in completing the portfolio of evidence.

I am hoping that teachers will find the course an exciting change and it will be virtually free as the government will make e-Learning credits available in September.  The credits are additional to the existing materials budget, but can be spent only online.

The online tests results are reported back automatically by the paperless school system to an on-line mark book.  This means no marking!

If you would like more information about this course and a chance to view on-line material when it become available please send me a blank e-mail by clicking below


Further information can be found at www.chalkface.com

E-mail Steve Margetts