Tall Thin Organisation
e.g. the army.
There is a small span of control
with many levels of hierarchy.
supervision, necessary where mistakes cannot be allowed, e.g., the army.
stress is involved for each employee, as the scope of each job is limited.
layers of hierarchy means more frequent promotion opportunities.
Wide Flat Organisations
e.g. the church.
There is a wide span of control,
but there are few layers of hierarchy.
superior has less time for each subordinate, therefore must delegate
effectively (there is less promotion, but there can be greater authority).
layers of hierarchy are needed, therefore improving vertical communication (
decreased chain of command). This
allows subordinates the opportunity to use their ability (job enrichment).
The trend in the 1980s and 1990s
has been “delayering” - where there is increased span and decreased
levels of hierarchy. This has
led to a decrease in the numbers of middle management.