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Small Budget Marketing


In Business Studies we use marketing to describe the “management process involved in identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer requirements profitably”, it is NOT simply advertising.  It is vial that a small company knows who they wish to sell their good or service to.  They may wish to target a particular age group, sex, race geographical location, income etc.  Identifying a market segment will aid any marketing they carry out as they will be able to effectively use what is likely to be a very limited marketing budget, e.g., a leaflet drop targeting a particular estate or advertising in a magazine that you target market segment reads.


A small firm is likely to use one of the following methods of promotion:



Advantages for a small firm

Leaflet drop.

· relatively cheap.

· able to target a geographical segment.

Local newspapers.

· relatively cheap.

· able to target a geographical segment.

Trade/hobby magazines.

·low cost method of targeting segment.

· well defined readership.

Business directories, e.g., Yellow Pages.

· well used reference guide for local firms.

· users often want to make a purchase.

Public relations (PR), e.g., free editorial coverage.

· Free and often has more credibility than advertising.


For the majority of firms the main aim of their marketing will be to create happy customers who will make repeat purchases and recommend your company to friends and family.  This will ensure the continued success of the company.



E-mail Steve Margetts